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Ramonage 4 Saisons guarantees products, service and installation work done at your home. Our commitment to provide quality products and an exceptional service is the foundation of our established trust relationship with our customers.

Our expertise

Ramonage 4 Saisons is also there to assist you in your inspection process or to improve your heating system. Whether it is for an inspection to sell or buy a property or if it is for a detailed evaluation for your insurance company, you can rely on our experts!


** Free estimate for major work ** CERTAIN CONDITIONS APPLY the free estimate consists of a quote on specific elements required, this does not include summary and / or complete inspections, nor the written reports of compliance which may also result to various product and solution submissions. Major work consists of a value greater than $ 1,500 before taxes, certain territories are excluded and / or must be combined with pre-established days in these sectors.

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Feux de cheminée : Pourquoi ramoner régulièrement votre cheminée est essentiel

Feux de cheminée : Pourquoi ramoner régulièrement votre cheminée est essentiel


Chaque année, le Québec enregistre plus de 1 100 feux de cheminée, entraînant des pertes matérielles et humaines considérables. Ces incidents, bien souvent évitables, sont liés à un entretien inadéquat des cheminées et des systèmes de chauffage. Ramoner votre cheminée régulièrement est une étape essentielle pour garantir la sécurité de votre domicile. Voici pourquoi il est crucial de prendre soin de votre cheminée, et pourquoi faire appel à un expert tel que Ramonage 4 Saisons peut faire toute la différence. 

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Protégez votre cheminée : Installez un chapeau de cheminée

Protégez votre cheminée : Installez un chapeau de cheminée

Vous remarquez que votre cheminée semble bouchée, ou que la pluie et la neige s’infiltrent dans votre foyer? Peut-être que des débris s’y accumulent et gênent son fonctionnement? Si c’est le cas, il est temps de considérer l’installation d’un chapeau de cheminée. Cet accessoire simple, mais efficace, peut résoudre de nombreux problèmes communs.


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Creosote – What is it and what is the danger associated with it?

Creosote – What is it and what is the danger associated with it?

Do you know what creosote is?

Creosote is formed from incomplete wood combustion. When a combustible burns, this creates heat. When smoke is not properly vented out of the chimney, it cools down inside the chimney’s walls and builds up.

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What is a pellet stove?

What is a pellet stove?

Do you know about pellet stoves? There are great alternatives to traditional wood stoves! To asses whether this type of stoves is right for you, here’s a small guide to help you understand their function and use.

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To complete your subscription, simply click the "Confirm my subscription" button that you will find in this email.

If this email is not in your inbox, check your junk mail box. To receive future emails and benefit from your subscription, make sure to add our address to your safe senders’ list.

When does a camera inspection apply :

Although our summary visual inspections allow us to identify a vast majority of the gaps in your chimneys, it is possible that in some cases, it is insufficient.

Indeed, when a chimney has a slight curve, it becomes very difficult to inspect the state of the chimney and to detect anomalies. It is therefore in this type of situation that a camera inspection applies.

The inspection of your chimney is not to be neglected, as your chimney is subject to thermal shock, deformation and some cracks may occur.

You have a request from your insurance company?

It is important not to confuse insurance requests about fire separation and camera inspections.

Camera inspections are done from the fireplace to check the inside of the duct in cavities or partitions that are not visually accessible.

For insurance claims for those who live in a condo, please refer to the information related to the integrity of the fire separation per floor in chimney pits for multiplexes.

The fire separation of each unit in a multiplex is crucial to protect the property of others. If a fire is triggered in a unit, each unit must have a minimum fire resistance of at least 30 minutes. In the event of a fire, this allows the fire department to move and to control the fire. If there are gaps in the separations, the fire will spread faster than the standards allow. This type of situation occurred in the past and it ravaged a 24 units multiplex.

Since 2009, this standard has been taken more and more seriously by condominium insurances.

Most of the time, they require a modification or a conformity certificate on the integrity of the chimney and fireplaces installation.

The first step is to determine the type of fire separation between fireplaces and chimneys.

This step includes at least one opening of the partition near a fireplace in order to visually access the chimney shaft. If the chimney stack does not meet the standards, it must be modified or completely uninstalled to restore the fire separation just like the equivalent of the rest of the unit.

If the wells are modified to keep the chimneys, an engineer must primarily create a full report and then support the changes. If the fireplace and chimney extraction is chosen, the engineering service becomes optional, which greatly reduces the costs.

View guide View technical informations

  • Get an annual chimney check. Have chimneys inspected annually, and cleaned as necessary, by a qualified professional chimney service technician. This reduces the risk of fires and carbon monoxide poisonings due to cresote build up or obstructions in the chimneys

  • Install a chimney cap to keep debris, animals, rain and snow out of the chimney.

  • Choose the right fuel. For burning firewood in wood stoves or fireplaces, choose well seasoned wood that has been split for a minimum of six months – one year and stored in a covered and elevated location.

  • Never burn Christmas trees or treated wood in your fireplace or wood stove.

  • Build it right. Place firewood or fire logs at the rear of the fireplace on a supporting grate. To start the fire, use kindling or a commercial firelighter.

  • Never use flammable liquids.

  • Use a fireplace screen. Use metal mesh or a screen in front of the fireplace to catch flying sparks that could ignite or burn holes in the carpet or flooring.

  • Keep the hearth area clear. Combustible material too close to the fireplace, or to a wood stove, could easily catch fire. Keep furniture at least 36″ away from the hearth.

  • Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Place detectors throughout the house and check batteries in the spring and fall. When you change your clocks for Daylight Savings Time, remember to check your batteries.

  • Never leave a fire unattended. Before turning in for the evening, be sure that the fire is fully extinguished.

  • Supervise children and pets closely around woodstoves and fireplaces.


Complete Chimney sweeping

Complete Chimney sweeping

Commercial and Industrial Services

Commercial and Industrial Services

Certified Inspections

Certified Inspections

Dryer Duct Maintenance

Dryer Duct Maintenance

Gutter Installation and Maintenance

Gutter Installation and Maintenance

Free inspection with the purchase of one of our services

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Crown Cover

Crown Cover

Chimney Cap

Chimney Cap

Insert Woodstoves

Insert Woodstoves

Lock-Top Chimney Damper

Lock-Top Chimney Damper

Stainless Steel Liner

Stainless Steel Liner

Installation of Custom Made High Quality Fireplace Door

Installation of Custom Made High Quality Fireplace Door

Chimney, Prefabricated Fireplace or Woodstove

Chimney, Prefabricated Fireplace or Woodstove

Non-Air Tight Smoke Room Repair

Non-Air Tight Smoke Room Repair

Water Proofing

Water Proofing

Masonry Work

Masonry Work

Masonry Cleaning in Front of Fireplace

Masonry Cleaning in Front of Fireplace

You can trust our experts!

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    Ramonage 4 saisons - Uncategorised
    Feux de cheminée : Pourquoi ramoner régulièrement votre cheminée est essentiel

    Feux de cheminée : Pourquoi ramoner régulièrement votre cheminée est essentiel


    Chaque année, le Québec enregistre plus de 1 100 feux de cheminée, entraînant des pertes matérielles et humaines considérables. Ces incidents, bien souvent évitables, sont liés à un entretien inadéquat des cheminées et des systèmes de chauffage. Ramoner votre cheminée régulièrement est une étape essentielle pour garantir la sécurité de votre domicile. Voici pourquoi il est crucial de prendre soin de votre cheminée, et pourquoi faire appel à un expert tel que Ramonage 4 Saisons peut faire toute la différence. 

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    Protégez votre cheminée : Installez un chapeau de cheminée

    Protégez votre cheminée : Installez un chapeau de cheminée

    Vous remarquez que votre cheminée semble bouchée, ou que la pluie et la neige s’infiltrent dans votre foyer? Peut-être que des débris s’y accumulent et gênent son fonctionnement? Si c’est le cas, il est temps de considérer l’installation d’un chapeau de cheminée. Cet accessoire simple, mais efficace, peut résoudre de nombreux problèmes communs.


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    Creosote – What is it and what is the danger associated with it?

    Creosote – What is it and what is the danger associated with it?

    Do you know what creosote is?

    Creosote is formed from incomplete wood combustion. When a combustible burns, this creates heat. When smoke is not properly vented out of the chimney, it cools down inside the chimney’s walls and builds up.

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    What is a pellet stove?

    What is a pellet stove?

    Do you know about pellet stoves? There are great alternatives to traditional wood stoves! To asses whether this type of stoves is right for you, here’s a small guide to help you understand their function and use.

    Read more

    A confirmation has been sent to you by email.

    To complete your subscription, simply click the "Confirm my subscription" button that you will find in this email.

    If this email is not in your inbox, check your junk mail box. To receive future emails and benefit from your subscription, make sure to add our address to your safe senders’ list.

    When does a camera inspection apply :

    Although our summary visual inspections allow us to identify a vast majority of the gaps in your chimneys, it is possible that in some cases, it is insufficient.

    Indeed, when a chimney has a slight curve, it becomes very difficult to inspect the state of the chimney and to detect anomalies. It is therefore in this type of situation that a camera inspection applies.

    The inspection of your chimney is not to be neglected, as your chimney is subject to thermal shock, deformation and some cracks may occur.

    You have a request from your insurance company?

    It is important not to confuse insurance requests about fire separation and camera inspections.

    Camera inspections are done from the fireplace to check the inside of the duct in cavities or partitions that are not visually accessible.

    For insurance claims for those who live in a condo, please refer to the information related to the integrity of the fire separation per floor in chimney pits for multiplexes.

    The fire separation of each unit in a multiplex is crucial to protect the property of others. If a fire is triggered in a unit, each unit must have a minimum fire resistance of at least 30 minutes. In the event of a fire, this allows the fire department to move and to control the fire. If there are gaps in the separations, the fire will spread faster than the standards allow. This type of situation occurred in the past and it ravaged a 24 units multiplex.

    Since 2009, this standard has been taken more and more seriously by condominium insurances.

    Most of the time, they require a modification or a conformity certificate on the integrity of the chimney and fireplaces installation.

    The first step is to determine the type of fire separation between fireplaces and chimneys.

    This step includes at least one opening of the partition near a fireplace in order to visually access the chimney shaft. If the chimney stack does not meet the standards, it must be modified or completely uninstalled to restore the fire separation just like the equivalent of the rest of the unit.

    If the wells are modified to keep the chimneys, an engineer must primarily create a full report and then support the changes. If the fireplace and chimney extraction is chosen, the engineering service becomes optional, which greatly reduces the costs.

    View guide View technical informations

    • Get an annual chimney check. Have chimneys inspected annually, and cleaned as necessary, by a qualified professional chimney service technician. This reduces the risk of fires and carbon monoxide poisonings due to cresote build up or obstructions in the chimneys

    • Install a chimney cap to keep debris, animals, rain and snow out of the chimney.

    • Choose the right fuel. For burning firewood in wood stoves or fireplaces, choose well seasoned wood that has been split for a minimum of six months – one year and stored in a covered and elevated location.

    • Never burn Christmas trees or treated wood in your fireplace or wood stove.

    • Build it right. Place firewood or fire logs at the rear of the fireplace on a supporting grate. To start the fire, use kindling or a commercial firelighter.

    • Never use flammable liquids.

    • Use a fireplace screen. Use metal mesh or a screen in front of the fireplace to catch flying sparks that could ignite or burn holes in the carpet or flooring.

    • Keep the hearth area clear. Combustible material too close to the fireplace, or to a wood stove, could easily catch fire. Keep furniture at least 36″ away from the hearth.

    • Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Place detectors throughout the house and check batteries in the spring and fall. When you change your clocks for Daylight Savings Time, remember to check your batteries.

    • Never leave a fire unattended. Before turning in for the evening, be sure that the fire is fully extinguished.

    • Supervise children and pets closely around woodstoves and fireplaces.